Luksuzne kuce u blizini Beca u sred Biosvere Becke sume. Blizina auto puta, autobuske stanice I zeleznicke stanice. Savrsena infrastruktura sa puno vrtica, sklola, ordinacija. Veliki broj soping centara I predivnih restorana. Idealno mesto za zivot porodica. U ponudi su vise kuca razlicitih velicina. Sve su napravljene od modernih materijala, ekonomski odrzive za srecan i zdrav zivot porodica. Sve kuce su obezbedjene video nadzorom I alarmom. Spavace sobe, trpezarije, kuhinja, dnevna soba, kupatilo, toalet, pomocne prostorije, balkon, terasa, garaza je sadrzaj svake kuce. Za vise informacija kontaktirajte nas putem maila beoagent3@gmail.com Omogucite sebi I svojoj porodici zdrav, udoban I siguran zivot! Luxury houses in the vicinity of Vienna in the middle of the Biosvera Vienna forest. Close to the highway, bus station and train station. Perfect infrastructure with lots of kindergartens, schools, clinics. A large number of shopping centers and wonderful restaurants. An ideal place for families to live. The offer includes several houses of different sizes. All are made of modern materials, economically viable for a happy and healthy family life. All houses are secured with video surveillance and an alarm. Bedrooms, dining rooms, kitchen, living room, bathroom, toilet, auxiliary rooms, balcony, terrace, garage are the contents of every house. For more information, contact us by email beoagent3@gmail.com Give yourself and your family a healthy, comfortable and safe life! Agencijska provizija 3 % reg br. 070…
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